Katsu2.PNG 198x183(70KB) KatsuVice-leader of A-Block and guardian of the haunted house of the amusement park.
Can create smiley faces on his body that absorbs other "Fist" abilities, then releases them against his opponents in a technique called "Playback-Back".
OMGitchihirobrokatsu!!.PNG 640x480(180KB) KatsuName:Katsu Ryuukazan
Age:24(but stopped ageing at about 15)
Birthday:January 31st
Height:5'2" (158 cm)
Rank: Missing-nin/jounin
Teammates: N/A
Signature Moves/traits:Kamigan, Doesn't usually appear to have much chakra, stores chakra that can't be sensed, lava-style techniques and can stop chakra flow completely.
Bio:he died when he was 15 and was brought back 2 life by he loving older sister with tensei ninjutsu, this awoke his kaimgan giving him the same abilities and black hair.
[not enough room]
katsukamigan.PNG 640x480(82KB) Katsu's KamiganAs Katsu's Kamigan was awakened when he was brought back to life, he is able to use the Kamigan in battle like Chihiro, buut he only has a partial Kamigan, which is why he only has 3 spikes (aka spokes) and only get 3 marks on his arms (Chihiro gets 12 for comparison)
Katsukid.png 632x472(235KB) Katsu as a kidyes, I know he has white hair, he had it before he died, like every other member of the does (except Chihiro)
katsukami copy.png 640x480(154KB) Katsu Being CockyIt's from the fight between Katsu and Chihiro, he makes one of the worst mistakes ever......underestimating Chihiro.
Btw, he has his Kamigan activated
KATSUCHAKRASEAL.png 600x368(48KB) Katsu's Chakra SealBecause Katsu can't store as much chakra as Chihiro, when he decided he needed to fight her, he found a way to store more chakra, his chakra seal which reacts to the amount of charkra his Kamigan is using.
rpcissues.PNG 500x881(56KB) OMG THEY HAVE ISSUESand thats just six of them D: and Mikoto gets smart, but I felt like doing that
okay, tell me which one of these and which one out of ALL my rpc's is your favourite, the one withe the most votes with be fangirlophobic in my next one of these XP
fav for next:
Ryuukazan kids.PNG 576x459(28KB) Teh Triplets ^^Ryuu: a katsu clone
Emi: has an incestial crush on ryuu and katsu plus violent moodswings (btw she has amber eye where ryuu is and a purple eye where komaki is so yes she has different eyes and neither have pupils ^^)
Komaki: a momma's boi XD
kawaiiteamXD.PNG 606x504(30KB) The Ryuukazan kids XDI said i'd make one^^
Emi, Komaki and Ryuu are Katsu and Cloe's kids^^ (not my RPCs)
Kira's they're sensei^^(O.o" poor things XD jk)
Kira: :P
blushing kira XD.PNG 640x480(239KB) Blushing Kira XDKatsu:....i'm bored..>>"..
Kira:..me 2 >>""
Katsu:....what r we gonna do?..O.e
Kira:...idk...>>"............................where's Keiso-kun?
Katsu:O.e" why?
Kira:.... i wanna talk to him...
Katsu:whats so special about him?O.o
Kira:*blushes and shrugs*...>>"...
new look ;D.PNG 477x597(26KB) yep ^^its either his kasairyuu outfit or just a generally new one
ShinKats.png 560x303(168KB) KatShi XDDYes, it was only a matter of time *hiding from Katsu xD* Shin's Aoizuki's brother :3 and smexehfull XD
Katsu recortado DA.jpg 1010x985(505KB) Katsu!!! (Deidara)OMG!!! WTF WTF WTF?????!!!!! *o*
FULL-full-full version in my "y!gallery" and "hentai foundry" accounts ;P