bellmori.jpg 1024x768(723KB) Wallpaper of Mori holding BellWallpaper of Morisato Keiichi holding Belldandy
Artist: Princess Minako
Keiichi business.jpg 517x386(153KB) Keiichi meets the internetWell, he already knows it's serious business,thus he dresses appropiately...
Route L. boys Aoi, Prince Wakaoji and Takuto.jpg 800x600(105KB) ROUTE: L (this is not shonen ai they are a boy band... were)love the peace in this picture... these all three, aoi, wakaoji, takuto... i simply love them! i love aoi's hair cut!!!
Keiichi.jpg 550x950(141KB) Keiichi YuukatsukiMy new character Keiichi Yuukatsuki ^^
He's 13 and has no village for now, since his home town was destroyed in war. His relatives are still alive but he chose to go to Konoha with the intent of becoming a ninja acepted by all. His parents agreed with his decision but decided not to go with him (they're very old and were afraid they wouldn't make it throughout the trip). Keiichi specializes in fire based jutsus, but has a split personality that tends to hurt anyone that steps on his way...
02K.jpg 632x476(26KB) Keiichi's split personalityAs mentioned on his full body pic, he has a split personality and his "other side" is a very violent and cold-hearted person, most unlike the usually joyful and nice Keiichi. His eyes get like this when he shifts to his other side (who called himself Akuma = demon), which helps people realize if he's Keiichi or Akuma.
When Akuma appears, his control over fire gets out of hand, burning things he touches without even intending to.
03K.jpg 640x480(100KB) Mad Keiichi XDWell yeah, Keiichi is very sensitive when it comes to his measurements, because he is quite shorter than the other genin /chuunin of Konoha. Kakashi often calls him "shorty" and it get to his nerves... He hasn't become an official ninja in Konoha but he is allowed to be there anyway.
Kakashi: "Hey shorty, how's it going?"
Keiichi: *thinking* "That's it! He's going down!"
04K.jpg 640x480(135KB) Keiichi with headbandYosh, Keiichi made it to become a shinobi in Konoha ^^ Here he's at the Ichiraku's ramen, talking with Kakashi-sensei, who has been teaching him an supervisiong his training
Kakashi: So you are finally a shonobi uh?
Keiichi: Damn straight!
XD I dunno why, I love Keiichi ^^
amgs21.jpg 250x188(7KB) Keiichi and BelldandyKeiichi and Belldandy