IchiRuki_03.jpg 450x711(50KB) Ichigo X Rukia 03This is my favourite picture of these two... it's perfect.
IchiRuki_04.jpg 650x472(97KB) Ichigo X Rukia 04This is a close running 2nd for my fav pics of the two...
IchiRuki_05.jpg 600x446(56KB) Ichigo X Rukia 05Awww... cute!
{hmm... is it obvious I can't think of anything to say? Sorry, but I'm sick, and have been doing maths c all day, and really... my brain is dead. But I like to say things, so yeah... you could say I HAVE to say things. Listen, at least I know my faults... I can't shut up}
IchiRuki_06.jpg 454x550(63KB) Ichigo X Rukia 06Eh... this doesn't look like them, but it's still cute.
IchiRuki_07.jpg 446x600(61KB) Ichigo X Rukia 07I know; they look nothing like them. And as if Ichigo would ever do that.
IchiRuki_10.jpg 600x450(46KB) Ichigo X Rukia 09THIS takes the cake as the cutest IchigoRukia pic.
true kuchiki.jpg 800x600(229KB) True Kuchikibyakuya kuchiki unleases his new power,raining sakura,or sumthing.
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