myobsssnnatsuki.jpg 557x681(73KB) Kuga NatsukiTakeda and Shizuru (not to mention the real life Natsuki fans) wish she would pose like this! Found this in *mY_oBsEsSiOn* 's gallery. Hope she (or he) doesn't mind me putting it here. If so, I will remove it.
NatsukicutefinalwordsJPG.jpg 330x430(15KB) A cute litte Natsuki picture!I obtained this in FinalWords's gallery. I take no credit for drawing or scanning anything in my galleries. If anyone wants me to remove something I copied from their site or personal gallery here at Anime Galleries dot Net, I will do it. By the way, you (the people reading this) should go look at the galleries I mention. These people have lots of cool, pretty, interesting images!
kugashizurumonored.jpg 597x528(76KB) Monochrome in RedI found this at an anime site called Animamea. This is Shizuru and Kuga Natsuki from Mai HiME.
My-Hime love2fast.jpg 355x456(103KB) Natsuki x ShizuruFrom 2fast's gallery. I also saw this on the Animamea site.
kmm.jpg 600x450(107KB) From adriaticserpent's gallery. From left to right, Kuga Natsuki, Mikoto, and Tokiha Mai.