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Search results - "Lexi"


Request: LexiLexi ish Mizus character.
Enjoy! ^_^

Original: Sakura Haruno

TEAM IDK BACKGROUND!!! :Dmy first tema idk background X3
lexi-belongs to mizu
taro-belings to my friend AAA
and ren and kumori r mine :D

LexiThis is Lexi chan ^^ for -Mizu-.
Hope she turned out okai O.o;.

I actually made this the day u requested
it was just i was to lazy to put a bg on it. Ami x

Mika :Dfinally i got a pic of kumoris older sister mika up X3
shes 18 cuz shes 4 yrs older then kumori :3 and as u can see she looks nothing lyk him XD but the so shes the factor that the bumpy thing of their bangs r only bumppy oon the left side and the right side is flat *-* i had fun making her X3 but i dont think ima kep the outfit its really weird looking to me DX i tried making he routfit cute :/ well anywyas she doesnt wear her ninja headband but she always wearing the one in the pic
plzz rate and commet

ROKA!!! :Dthis is roka Kumori and Mika's older brother but this was back when kumori was 8 and still wanted to be lyk his brother and mika still liked him but that very yr roka did somethign horrible(will be revealed later on) that changed how kumori felt about his brother now mika wishes roka would change and kumori hates roka
well anyways roka is 16 here so hes 2 yrs olde rthan mika and 6 yrs older then kumori
he takes after both parents with hair and eyes he has both eyes and hair colors of his parents

Kumori infront of a mirrorkumori was standing infront of a mirror the night of a festival he wa sgonna start going there i nfew minutes (hes about 4 here) and he asked him this question "do i really look like daddy???"
X3 he kept thinking aobut it even at the festival

Kumoris promisemikas crying cuz she really worried about kumori -hes setting out on a incredibly dangerous mission by himslef and shes afraid if he goes he wont come back alive
mika:*crying* plzz kumori ....plzz dont go
kumori: i'll be ok mika *wipes her tear* ill be fine
mika:but what if u dont come back??*sob*
kumori:i promise u mika if i dont come back i promise ill be by ur side and waiting for u in the afterlife
mika: u promise?*still crying*
kumori:i promise ^_^

Yuki :3X3 this is yuki he is the last darkness villager beside kumori mika and roka they didnt know eachother were alive till they found eachother X3 yuki was kumoris best friend and practically brother until the war happened when they both thought eachother had died
yuki is only a yr older tehn kumori so hes 15 :3 and hes sapost to be way hot *doubts he'll have any fan girls* but he says he not :/
yuki:im soo not hot DX kumori is hotter then me by a long shot DX *knows he wont have any fan girls*
asa-the last of the asa clan.PNG

asa-the last of the asa clan.PNG
The last the asa clanthis is the mighty asa clan XD well whats left of it i need to update the picture of roka hes not 20 in the pic lyk hes sapost to be this is in age order of roka-the oldest(20) mika-second oldest(18) yuki- third oldest(15) and kumori-youngest(14) x3 this took a while to make
thir motto is "the asa clan dont challange us" ok i lied i jsu tmad eit up cuz u dont wanna challange them ._. ull lose for sure XD but anyways idk what else to say XD so... yea
9 pictures on 1 page(s)

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