kill me.jpg 100x100(13KB) Kill MeThis is my favorite avatar, by far. I love it, the words fit...I dunno. It's a perfect expression of me, so you all may hate it! Haha, I don't mind.
sasuke kun.jpg 490x495(25KB) Sasuke-kun! ^^I drew this and I think it came out pretty well.....
BTW - Just for future reference....I coloured the girl that way of purpose! My friend is in LOVE with Sasuke and that's suppose to be her and Sasuke! And...I was getting pissed seeing Sakura hugging, chasing, and staring at Sasuke everywhere he went!
MevsYoda.jpg 1024x768(106KB) meandYoda2An even better version of me fighting the Jedi Master Yoda.
rose_black.jpg 1024x768(165KB) Sexy *April Contest*This is my creation, jajajjaja ok, my monster O.o...
It's so cute and... sorry for my english but I'm mexican and... I NEED SOME ENGLISH CLASS�� >O<
2602.jpg 267x200(28KB) me and my boyfriendI like Ruu ^^���
she is like me and i practice ballet just like she �� XD
1128543999_paarsemeid.jpg 491x694(36KB) c'mon!she looks like she's saying "Lets go!" or something like that....yeah i'm weird...i kno O_o but if u look close, u can kind of see a very light halo above her head..
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