comic.JPG 630x813(77KB) "Sam MANson" part oneSo yeah, I hate Danny Phantom. Like really hate it. So I made this! Tada!!! Please don`t start yelling at me if you are offended, it`s just my opinion. Oh, and I didn`t draw this, I just used clips from the manga.
comic2.JPG 768x887(105KB) "Sam MANson" part twoHere`s the second and final page. Sai is creative with nicknames, isn`t he? Once again, no flamey. No flamey = me likey. ^_^ `Tis all good!
marylin.jpg 299x400(70KB) HEY ITS MARYLIN MANSON !!!!HEY MANSON *waves hand*
the truth.PNG 638x1042(547KB) the truth about Orochimarulol i am soooooo sorry but i couldn't help it! you have to give in though Orochimaru makes an sexy Marilyn lol