maxi1.jpg 320x616(45KB) MaxiMaxi from Soul Calibur II
party-shoot.png 408x537(446KB) Part-photo-shootok heres the first pic i got from the photo shoot at the party with the mythical creatures
DONT BE FOOLED! THE GUY ISNT HIKARU! thats his older brother maximillion
the girl with the blonde hair is maixs and hikarus cuzin miki(shes half vamp)
ant the last girl is tsukiko (half warewolf half angel :D)
plzz rate and comment
Mikas-profile.png 1371x745(528KB) Mika's Profilemikas profile click the image to get a better view
plzz rate and comment
Hikaru-Tsukiko-maxi-others-2.PNG 823x1024(1261KB) hangin outthis is a pic of Tsukiko(girl) hikaru(guy in front) maxi(the guys looking ot the side) and 2 other vamps X3 they dont get names XDD anyways there in the vampire world were its always night :D(these arent vamps lyk twilight-these r the kind that are hurt by sunlight) but anywyas ill repost the pic lighter cuz the colors get disorented wen darkedned :/
Hikaru-Tsukiko-maxi-others.PNG 823x1024(1348KB) repostedyea i woulda posted this the brighter one on my other acocunt but it wouldnt let em :(
so here it is ^.^ plzz ratea nd comment
makoyas lasting....PNG 1363x732(1096KB) Makoyas lasting through all these yearsthis is a pic i made it show Maxi first since hes the oldest then it shows hikaru and last the youngest leo
this shows them noramlly in the back and younger in the front the back ones r afaded cuz its looked cool lyk that XD
this is the first time i did a background with 6 images and 3 faded :/ so anyways i think this came out a lil crappier then i coulda made it =/
O_O srry.PNG 885x561(145KB) Akane-hiakru-shower X3this is after he was cought changeing infront of tsukiko X3 and hes talking to himself :/reflecting on some past actions
hikaru:geeze get a hold of ur self*leans agiasnt wall*u love her sent of her blood and u love her in plain out geeze get ahold of URSELF!!ur gonna end up hurting her *sighs*(knock heard at door)YEA?!
hikaru:*sighs* im in love with a ware-wold anel and that sent of her blood so-...*continues to talk to self till hes out of the shower*
brothers.PNG 890x621(567KB) Brothers :D its the three of them leo hikaru and maxi all walking down the hall and leo found a birdy X3 so hence the picture ok idrk XD but it is the three of them and im gonna post more of them soon :3
renji-yuki-2.PNG 513x398(246KB) Renji-yukiX3 hes wearsing a chain around his neck hats held by a person and he's that persons ""lover"" and _._._. (<<<blank abreviation) X3 try and guess it i dare u :3 *has been hinting*
AAA u kno so u cant guess or say =_=" andyways pplz ^.^
enjoy sexy looking Renji-Yuki X3 and his "sex-slave chain" XD
hikaru-rape.jpg 533x400(54KB) ._. yea i kno i kno hikaru has been rapped b4 but that was while hes been 17 for a long-long time @_@
in this pic it was when hikaru was sleeping remembering back wen he was still only 15 (midevil era) and he got rapped ._.
he was in human form so he was easially held back
p.s. this is not the only time he got rapped while he was still ageing ._. the others will be posted soon ._.
hikaru-rape-2.jpg 480x360(41KB) hikaru-rape-2yet another memory hikaru has of when he was................... 13!!! ._. yea hikaru was gettign rapped by another vampire DX poor hikaru this kinda stuff used to happen to him alot
hikaru-rape-4.jpg 800x600(60KB) ._. 3the thris pic hes 16 in the pic this was the night b4 his 17th b-day ._.
poor hikaru got snuck up on and in his human form too ._.
hikaru-rape-6.jpg 800x600(81KB) RAPE!!once again another rape pic of hikaru ._.
this was the night of his 17th b-day
DX its another vampire too :/ hikaru must be an easy target for rape or somehting
(p.s. excuse the horrible rope XD its spaost to be a ropes tieing his hands tight to his chest :/)
bite me -01.PNG 391x791(541KB) X3omg its been forever since they've done a bite me mag photoshoot together XD
well heres the first one in forever :3
hope u pplz like it X3
spunky-hikaru.jpg 704x522(114KB) X3 morning kiss :3XD its not really a morning kiss its more of a night time kiss XD but anyways hikarus still sleeping and spunkys surprising him with a wake up kiss X3 lol. anyways ................... this took me about maybe 10 minutes XD