puddentater.JPG 238x281(13KB) THE TRUTH REVELED!!!!!!!!!Yes. This is a real picture of me, The Dark Sorcress Puddentater. (Beware)
Puddentater edit with background.JPG 880x697(99KB) PuddentaterReal name: Puddentater
Age: anywhere from 1 to 100
Fav. color: Unknown
Hight: Unknown
weight: Unknown
Hobbise: Random things
Puddentater and her sensei.JPG 494x603(35KB) Puddentater and her SenseiOnce she heard Gaara had been kidnapped by the Akatsuki, Puddentater, his faithful student, broke into their HQ and ran down all the members while wearing her trusty sharpened cletes. Once rescued, her master said, "That'll do, Puddentater, that'll do."
fun with gaara3.jpg 300x436(34KB) IntroductionGaara: "I'd like to introduce you to my student..."
Harvest moon 1.jpg 640x467(34KB) Heddo, Sa'lex!This is somewhat an inside joke, but when we (Yoshimi, Ichigo, Puddentater and myself) play this game we like to pretend that the characters are characters from Naruto.... Alex is Sasuke.
Puddentater and kimimaru.JPG 495x280(28KB) MemoriesThis guy dumped me and I sold all the stuff he gave me on ebay. Last year he SAID he was going to go do this job for this guy he knows and the SOB walked out the door and never came back. It was a bad week anyway, because my master (Gaara) came home and was talking about this guy he had to kill...helping the Leaf Village and all...it was a rough fight, I guess. We both had a bad week. I hope that SOB that left me (pictured here) gets his own heart broken by the whore he left me for.
Kimono group 1.JPG 352x300(16KB) Nothing to doSakura: Puddentater
Hinata: Ichigo
Shizune: Kokoro
Kurenai: Yoshimi
Anko: Haruka
Haru friends group.JPG 700x953(153KB) Random Edit.Sakura is me Haruka, Ino is Kokoro, Kurenai is Yoshimi, Anko is Ichigo, Hinata is puddentater, Tsunade is me, Shizune is Ichigo, Tonton is Random Kitty, And Tenten is....just tenten....
gaara delivers the news.JPG 458x650(32KB) Worst. Birthday. EVER.Master was never very good at picking the right time to deliver bad news....but why did he have to pick my birthday? Kimmimaro, sorry I thought you left me for another woman...wherever you are. Oh well. I still have Dosu, even though its been a long time, but he's been on a secret mission. I think....