LOL.JPG 640x480(34KB) Owie... But he did deserve it
ai punch.JPG 852x477(30KB) Ai 9Ai is nine and this is one of her visions she sees a girl who looks like a mummy and then when Ai askes her who are you?? the mummy girl says I'm you and Ai gets scared and punches her face but her hand goes right through her face and where she punched is smoke.
punch ai.JPG 852x480(20KB) Ai 9in her vision Ai kicked the other Ai in the stomach because she is very nervous the other Ai told her she can show her the world if she was in control of her body.
oh shit....jpg 640x480(45KB) oh shit...Sana:The next time I see Keiko,I'll PUNCH HER IN THE FACE!!!*throws punch* oh shit...ummm Deidara... r u okay?
ino3x~0.jpg 1539x1272(777KB) New ino picAHHH
Havnt put no pics up on here for ages D;
Shes gowna punch yo!
You guys like it?XD
Hope you ddoo, not my best but not the worst either o_o *goes back to 2006* XD
1219336351.jpg 100x100(9KB) Tohru PunchI just loved this pic so i had to make it an icon!
87788778454Misakinaru45df.JPG 640x480(28KB) Naruto want to hug MisakiJiraiya: you need to hug the girl you love if you want to her to love you back
Naruto: really?! *he then saw Misaki walking* Misaki!!!
Misaki: naruto?..
he ran to her to hug her but....
Lee was walking in the same street, and of course we know how Lee is fast, so he ran towards Naruto and punched him hard across the face *poor Naruto*