koyomialbum1.jpg 945x945(119KB) The Meaning of Good FridayAzumanga/Bad Religion Crossover
koyomialbum2.jpg 1181x921(141KB) The Meaning of Good FridayAzumanga/Bad Religion Crossover. Back cover.
religion.jpg 519x432(42KB) ReligionThis is a painting I did for my boyfriend. He wanted something dark and sinister, but I screwed up. Where he wanted the grim reaper and skulls he got something mentally dark and sinister instead. This is a statement about religion. No, I am not an atheist, I believe in God, but I don't believe in the word of man. I think the principles of organized religion are great, but the people leading it seem sinister to me. I suppose this can be blamed on my own bad experiances with organized religion.