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Search results - "Roro"


RoanataRoanata (row-nata) or just roro is the Alpha female of a wolf pack the has taken over freeze city (or whatever place that was kiba and them first meet, this takes place after the world or whatever started over) she is cold to new people/dogs/wolves and but cares alot for the pack she was born under the red moon and has a specail conetion with the flower maiden.

Roro???: *taps Roanata on the shoulder*

Roro: who are you, and what do you want?

???: whoa! whao! chill me and my friend are looking for a safe place to rest you smell like one of us so-

Roro: strangers aren't welcome here

???: OH-K well the names hige see i'm longer a stranger

Roro: *glares at him*

??? #2: give it up we don't need her help

Hige: yes we do i'm hungry

Roro: -_-'

And?Amber: roro i think we should have let hige and his friends stay with our pack...

Roanata: and why is that?

Amber: well it's just ugh we should all be sticking together as wolves right?

Roanata: and?

Amber: um and ugh *sigh* never mind......

Eyes (roanata)Even in the dark they shine stars lighting up the darkest night with gracful sight

(little line thing what is says up above XD my friend wrote that down for me to type it's corny but I LUV is he's a genius to me XD)

eyes2Jerico (edit cooming soon) : turn you high beems off roro!

Roanata: *tilts her head* high beems?

Jerico: yeah your eyes and blinding me their so bright

Roanata: shut up pup!

Tonic: real smooth jerico....real smooth

roanata's eyeit ish pretty!

Roro and Tavon^^ singing to the moon
7 pictures on 1 page(s)

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