5~0.JPG 640x480(25KB) Sakon Close upWhich head am I seeing?
9~0.JPG 640x480(22KB) Sakon 2nd cloeI like his eye shadow what colour is that?
28~0.JPG 640x480(24KB) Sakon Side veiwWhy beads? You allready have makeup and a dress why do you need beads?
29~0.JPG 640x480(20KB) Sakon RunnerWe've got a runner! It's a red 5!
Sakon_14~0.JPG 640x480(33KB) Sakon JumpingThis is gonna hurt.....owwies..
4.JPG 640x480(23KB) Patry at Orochimaru's!So who brought the keg?
1~1.JPG 639x480(36KB) To denny's!Now where is that place?
15~0.JPG 640x480(33KB) Do you trust me?-Ahh they're in love....
6~0.JPG 640x480(23KB) Zoomed outOkay.. we're running now what?
sakonukon.jpg 438x630(51KB) Sakon and UkonI think this place needs more pics of the two. ^^
5%7E0.jpg 640x480(25KB) Sakon.jpgSakon^^...In case you didnt know, you can tell them apart by the way they part they're hair, also Sakon is the one with the red beads^^
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