Sanako Minami!.jpg 576x913(52KB) Sanako MinamiThis is Sanako.She is from the Minami-clan.This clan was famous for very good ninja skill�s.But the children had to start with only 3 years with the training.But they had a special order,too.The first child who was born learns wind-technices and the second water-technics.Sanako was a second child.She had an older sister:Saiyuki.But one day someone attacked the hole Clan.Only sanako surrvied.She isn�t sad taht her family is dead.But she miss Saiyuki.Then she joined team 7 and has a big crush on Kakashi^^
Saiyuki(Sanako�s Schwester).jpg 600x1425(99KB) SaiyukiThis is Saiyuki Minami.She is the older sister of Sanako.She was a very strong ninja.She had wind-technices and was the best of the hole clan.Sanako�s and her parents loves her more the Sanako.But she never cared.She always told Sanako how good she really is and always trained with her.But she died when the clan was attacked by a strange person.She is the only member of the clan who Sanako really loves and really want so see again.
Saiyuki!!xD.jpg 600x400(32KB) Angry Saiyuki^^This is another pic of Saiyuki were she was really angry^^The was getting angry cause her parents were saying to Sanako,how bad she is and that Saiyuki is better.But Saiyuki hated when they they talked about that.She thought, Sanako is even better then her.So she screamed and they stopped^^.
I know,the tens maybe is not right in this text...sry^^
Mau und Lee!!x3.jpg 404x552(36KB) Machiko and LeeThis is Sanako�s best firend Machiko.She likes Lee and Lee likes her^^They are a very happy couple and i�m going to make some other pic of her.
This is for my best friend Maike!!^^
Sanako!^^.jpg 640x480(31KB) Crasy looking Sanako^^This a pic of Sanako were she see�s for the 1st time Kakashi�s book^^She can�t belive,that HE is reading THAT book!
Rote Sanako^^.jpg 640x480(42KB) Red Sanako^^This is Sanako were she is getting red cause NAruto find�s out that she like�s Kakashi....He is like:`you like Kakashi-sensei,right?�
Lee-Girl.jpg 640x480(44KB) Kaede Tachiko(Lee-gril)This is Kaede Tachiko.She is 12 years old and loves Lee more then everyring.Thatswhy she dress her self up like him and gave her self the name:LEE-GIRL.Machiko(OC from Sanako-chan) hates her cause she always tries to flirt with Lee-In this pic Naruto says how stupid Lee is she says:waht did you say?MOre pics are comming soon!^^
Sanako at Shippuuden.jpg 1489x2104(626KB) Sanako at ShippuudenI�ve got a new scanner and i thought,maybe i can but some pic�s on this webside.This one is with Sanako at Shippuuden(comming soon^^).Her hair is in this pic really red that was the mistake of the scanner..sry^^But i tried my best^^
Nanami.jpg 1624x1110(120KB) NanamiThis is Nanami.He is 12 years old(like Sanako and Mchiko).He is from the Titanus-clan.He looks really good and all girls love him.But he has a crush on Machiko and that makes Lee really jealous.Machiko likes Nanami,too.But she still wants to be with Lee so she�s got a problem...I will wirte more about this drama-story!xD Then i will have more pics,too.
Kakashi.jpg 1489x2104(472KB) KakashiThis isn�t a good cause of the hair but I stil like it^^
Group Pic.jpg 640x480(55KB) Funny pic^^This is a pic wtih Sanako,Machiko,Nanami,Sukeyasu(The guy in the middle),Noritada(the guy who is infront of Sanako) and Lee.I don�t know why they are all fighting(don�t know how to spell it^^),but maybe you can find a story^^It�s not the best but I really looove it^^
Noritada.jpg 1024x768(96KB) NoritadaThis is Noritada he is the best friend from Sanako and he understands her very good.He is a very kind person and loves animals.But he thinks chicken are the best.^^
Sanako wallpaper.jpg 2304x1574(250KB) Sanako wallpaperSry that it took so long 4 new pic�s but now i�m making more!
I�m back xDD
ok this is another pic of Sanako^^
Team 7 shocked.jpg 2048x1536(240KB) Team 7I told already,that Sanako joined team 7.In this pic she hang�s out with Sasuke Sakura and Naruto...They have a lot of fun together^^
Sanako letzte Hoffnung.jpg 2048x1536(208KB) Try it!!Team 7 had a really dangerous mission...First,everythin seemed fine but then..They get attacked by they�re enemy..There�re all knoked out an Sanako tries to protect them...but....
Versagt.jpg 2730x2048(399KB) Oh no......BAM!!She get�s attacked by the enemy,too.It�s a really dangerous hit she almost died...
Beschluss~0.jpg 1024x768(79KB) What now?After this Mission Sanako knows it:She is to weak.She is to weak to protect her friends an her big love Kakashi(who saved her after that attack).So she deciedet to leave Konoha.But where will she go?
Sanakox Kakashi.PNG 400x400(21KB) sweet :3In Shippuuden Sanako comes toghether with Kakashi(wow,what a suprise...^^)
Actually this was a pic of Sasuke and Sakura ^-^
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