fig-yoh e anna4.jpg 454x402(34KB) Yoh and AnnaAww! that's cute. it's a pic of yoh,and Anna together.^_^
Len (SO).jpg 300x225(12KB) Len (Cute)Len looking cute, or at least i think so :)
Len (PAIN).jpg 349x237(31KB) Len (In Pain)Looking so much in pain, but still hawt!! :P
Len (SMIRK).jpg 300x225(14KB) Len (Smirking)Len pulling his very evil grin :D
Len (SKOOL).jpg 150x153(23KB) Len (School Uniform)Len in his school uniform, still luking guud :P
Len.jpg 500x375(17KB) LenJust Len, ooh :O look at tht body lmao
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