Shan2.JPG 640x480(20KB) Wow, its Shan.Shan. Shiro's wife.
shan1.JPG 640x480(31KB) Shan...Again!Shiro's wife. I like this picture.
[She has two outfits :P]
Little Shiro.jpg 640x453(90KB) Little Shiro HyuugaThis is Miyuki and Neji's youngest son. He is only 7 but he very kind. He is a good fighter and a hard worker. He is a lot his father but has a kind personality like his mom. He cares deeply about his sister but looks up to Naruto's son and Naruto.
Shiro belongs to me
Neji belongs to masashi kishimoto
Shiro.png 500x281(245KB) ShiroShiro � by Youkai of Osaka
56325.jpg 225x226(80KB) Sheeta laughingSheeta cheerful feeds doves.