^^LUVthis.png 396x297(207KB) Shouta Takumi 翔太 拓海just so no one beats me up i did not re upload these just for the sake of reuploading the file got messed up so i deleted made another one and now i'm uploading these guys again.
Shouta is the second youngest of his branch yes the Takumi clan had branches but it does not have the same system as the hyuuga. shouta comes off as a do gooder, he is fairly nice and wants to be a medical nin but his father doesn't want him to be. don't let him fool you tho he is very cleaver ninja
shouta.png 422x317(159KB) I know your out thereSouta's been following shouta for at least a hour Shouta knows he's following and finds it kinda funny
shouta.JPG 545x480(34KB) Shouta HatakeKakashi's daughter!!