Zi.jpg 496x725(145KB) Darkness SlaveWings that sprod from my back
The innocent within my eyes
But forever the slave, bound by this chains...
ribbon.jpg 610x1083(141KB) RibbonRibbon is a character from my book. She was the slave of the Dujon family, namely the father by the name of Theron. Theron's son Alexander had been raised with Ribbon so he grew to adore her. She was the first woman that he ever loved. Though he grew tired of his father's constant "Training" sessions with Ribbon. When he followed the two he discovered this was just a cover up for Theron. He watched his father and Ribbon fornicate and even though Ribbon never enjoyed it, Alexander thought otherwise.
catgirl2.jpg 800x600(274KB) nice illusionare those twin nekos or this is just a miror? what do you think?
renji-teru-1.PNG 624x600(486KB) Besty FriendsX3 to best friends idk y teru is crying
teru belongs to my friend-hyuuga_hikaru_AAA
Renji-Yuki belongs to- ME ^.^
anywho these to r bff's they have been since thye were lil
btw AAA XD teru's a doggy :3 HAH! Renji's a kitty X3
XD anywho
renji-teru-yaoi-1.PNG 478x600(321KB) Renji-yuki & TeruX3 oh yes they're not gay but >.> <.< BI :D X3 they make a cute couple huh? give ur opion below ^.^
renji-teru-2.PNG 608x482(246KB) X3 AWWWWXD lol. ^.^ hes licking his ""lover's"" hand XD lol. if u dont kno who that is do research it in this galllery its a really cute couple XD X) :3 X3
renji-teru-yaoi-2.PNG 599x474(268KB) Kissthis was lyk they're first kiss X3 lol. thats y terus all red XD
yuki(renji-yuki) is just going to kiss him cuz he really wants too XDDD
:3 anywho its yaoi it doesnt mean a thing how they started to do it X3
just matters that its yaoi am i right??? :D
renji-yuki-hot-1.PNG 754x758(540KB) Renji-yuki Get out alivethis is a pic of yuki-kun idk for sure what happened but he looks kinda scared/shocked/tired out i guess he jus tfought off something that scared him or was trying to kill him :/ idk someone can help deside what happened anywyas he looks lyk hes 17 her eand that cuz he is :D this si a yr into the future X3 i put someo of the lyrics form three days grace's song Get Out Alive on here ""if u wanna get out alive... hold on for ur life"" only becuz it really fit the pic in my opinion and i was listening to it v
renji-yuki-hot-2.PNG 612x588(257KB) IDK XDidrk this i just kinda an introduction thingy :/ cuz this story is a code geass story but this guy it renji-yuk iand he no has a geass :/ hes a vmapire :D but hes lyk a human completely except for the blooddrinking his real angs which hes doesnt get til hes 17 and hes stops agin then to also the same time and his body becomes lyk stone so
-body lyk stone
-thirst for blood
those r the only things un human about him but not till ehs 17 XD he starts to get fangs wen hes 16 :3
renji-teru-yaoi-3.jpg 500x601(62KB) YAOI!!!X3 kawaii yaoi >.> <.< there is in no way any sexual content in this picture XD but i wiah there was :3(<<<<fan girl) but anywho X3 enjoy and all bashers stay away if u dont lyk it y'd u click it >:(
renji-teru-yaoi-4.jpg 499x726(339KB) YAOI X3 im addictide(sp?) :P^.^ bashers shouldnt have clicked if u dont like it :/
so enjoy ^_^
renji-teru-yaoi-6.jpg 550x670(245KB) "cling"X3 renji-yuki :D XD and hes being his clingy self to teru as im sur eu guys know teru is not mine he belongs to my friend XD
well anyways this pic really shows yukis-cling nature to his master
XD enjoy fangirls XD :) X)
renji-teru-yaoi-5.jpg 370x500(37KB) X3yea AAA >.> i got too lazy to put the highlight X) XDDD anyways just dont yell at me for it >.>
but anyways ppl obviously they're making out and its HOTT!!!! X3 (<<<yaoi fangirl)
:P anyways enjoy
renji-teru-3.jpg 465x700(429KB) day after schoolok this is just them one day after school
yuki was laying on the ground he fel asleep while reading and when teru saw yuki laying there he came over and layed down and started palying with yuki's hair
Banira.PNG 229x318(152KB) Banira ShakoraBanira Shakora is a Hawt Singer in a Hawt band
he is also a slave with 2 other guy slaves and a girl slaves.
Hes HAWT!!
~Mira.PNG 423x597(359KB) MiraMira is a girl who is trained to be something of a prostitute and performs for a master. She is new and shy also very inexperienced her master has to teach her the ways of catering to men like that.
(I coppied and changed a lil of what pink said xD)
~Mira with her Notebook.PNG 439x579(148KB) Mira and her NotebookMira Has a blue notebook in wich she writes her secrets, stuff thats hapened in her life, and some other stuff so its sort of like a history of her life and her diary at the same time. she also doodles in it too and writes songs.
Lots of stuff in this notebook xD
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