sergei.jpg 129x300(10KB) SergeiSpencer from beyblade season 1
xPPPPP.JPG 1070x669(107KB) Beyblade guys in... x))))I didn't make this but it's so funny xPPPPPPPPPPP
35a.jpg 339x235(27KB) Spencer, Yuriy, Bryan
zochi and spencer.PNG 392x438(223KB) zochi and spencersrry i was late i went to camp fur a week i worked on this for a realllllllllllllyyyyy lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time i hope u like it please comment
maromi and spencer.jpg 640x480(25KB) brothersSpencer: bye Maromi! gotta go to school now!
Maromi: hey, your bruise is showing!
Spencer: don't worry, i'll take care of it, bye!
Maromi: uh...Spencer...don't come home today, i'll take your beating for you, you just hide out.
Spencer: wh...wah?
Maromi: just do it, k kiddo? see ya in a while.
Spencer: uh....