Wallie_TSK.jpg 1024x768(199KB) Daisuki Dakara DaisukiVerrrry pretty. Not very brushwhored like my other stuff, as all I used was simple BG-making skills and other whatnot. o_o;; Nothing super, and some people had trouble with the font. I think its lovely though. <3
11[1].jpg 650x977(481KB) time stranger in kyokodancing in the red ribbons and roses
arinatanemuraforever.JPG 958x615(123KB) Arina Tanemura Forever(from lefte to right) "Time Stranger Kyoko", "Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne", and "Fullmoon Wo Sagashite"
Hakura_035.JPG 500x375(22KB) Hakura"My names hakura and whats yours, stranger?" Hakura said with a excited tone.