Jovani.jpg 180x124(7KB) Jovani!Normally I'd never put a pic up of a secondary character like Jovani, but I has a good reason! I'm not sure if it's in all the countries or not, but on the American version of Twilight princess, In Jovani's house, to the far left, is'sa picture of...............Gorge Washington! No, really! It's in there! If you don't see it, it's eather in a different frame in his house (I put the area of the pic by pure memory), You have a different version (country or the Wii, I has the Gamecube version) Or, you has not�s been looking�s hard enough�.Have fun!
group4.PNG 391x312(13KB) i has cup =Dlol tora and mamuro kitty's character with... a cup
trust.JPG 1669x1325(130KB) TrustNo Body Knows Who He Really Is,Or Where He Came From....
Emily Met Him When She Was in Slate Port [Totally Stole That XDD I Apologize]. She Thought Nothing of Him, Because he Looked Just a Regular Kid. But She Found Out What He Was.