wolves.jpg 500x375(26KB) Wolf's Rain WolvesI dunno who drew this buuuuut. 'S cuteness. ^_^
Group Shot_6.JPG 640x480(12KB) The Wolve's watch the moonAren't they cute? Four friends gazing at the moon.
Tsume_1.JPG 640x480(20KB) Tsume 1Tsume isn't my favorite character, though all my friends seem to like him. Too much attitude for me, and he can be a jerk to sweet Toboe.
Wallpaper.JPG 809x680(61KB) Wolfs RainThis is one i made a long time ago along with clash of the titans
bscap0580.jpg 640x480(78KB) Kiba's FamilyYay, I love the Inuzuka clan!
~.JPG 265x168(7KB) Tilly my wolf's rain female wolfshe's a city girl/dog , is a totaly rebel and badass.
~~.JPG 673x471(17KB) tilly hearing nobles out side the doorit would be for their best interest if thye didn't come in
~~~~.JPG 500x350(25KB) the many faces of till plus a pic of kibai like this one i think i did good with the editing do not forget i'm ONLY using paint on all my rpcs because i can't get photoshop yet
wolf11.jpg 281x168(21KB) O_O she looks like the female dog from balto! this is red
Tilly.JPG 640x480(23KB) DO NOT PISS OFF THE WOLF!tilly found red and Tsume in a lip lock. and was pissed. yes tsume is her mate at the time. and red is a wolf skank sometimes she tried to take hige from blue once. so this is just hte iceing on the cake and tilly bit her in the back
Tilly2.JPG 640x480(23KB) Tilly gave tsume a scare when she took a shot from a noble gun for him. this is one out of the two time tsume has cried. but don't worry tillys fine just knocked out
Emerald and Snow.JPG 471x354(14KB) Emerald protecting her mate snow from tsume snow tried to kill tilly and her big brother kiba but emerald thinks theres still some good left in snow
snow atks tsume.JPG 238x180(8KB) Snows never gonna be goodSnow atked Tsume! tilly tried to help but emerald stoped her not wanting tilly to hurt snow then till and emeral dgot into a fight
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