cover_jp.jpg 207x188(4KB) FF8 IconLeon and Rinoa thing from the game cover
FF BG.jpg 1024x768(235KB) Final Fantasy BackgroundThis is a BG I made for my friend Casey, featuring some of his favorite characters from his three favorite Final Fantasy games.
Faust 4,jpg.jpg 315x214(20KB) Faust VIIII wouldn't be Faust LOVER!!!! with out a pic of Faust.
5645664.jpg 800x599(107KB) It's a me vintyobasically an anime self portrait.
FaustMantas.jpg 800x444(314KB) A Little experiment...I really love how came that fanarts (I have it as profile image, too xD).
Fausto and Manta drawn in my style ;)
Faust, Manta � Takei