idk_lol.JPG 576x1047(70KB) random sakura editidk i waz just s000000 bored so i made this if anyone wants her, u can have her.
Nekohako.JPG 640x478(43KB) NekohakoIts been a while since I've done an OC, so here is my latest edition: This is Nekohako, her name means "Catbox" and she is from the Village Hidden Under the WAAAAA!!! She is on a vital mission to the Land of Fire - she has hired Naruto to protect her on her trip back, and Sasuke falls in love with her. People from her village startle easily and react with extreme violence when frightened. Oh, and she has to save Naruto and gets a curse mark from Orochimaru because he seems to bite all the OCs.
psycho.PNG 714x734(889KB) Drugs.Drugs are bad, little girl.
She's obviously stoned.
Just look at all the colors.
fgbdf.jpg 376x500(38KB) yea... they're just chillin here i guess XD idk lol. :P anywho they're 14 here u can come up with the background story and shar eit if u want :D XD i just think it might just be chillin out in town
yanagi-Midori x3 kawaii.PNG 574x612(221KB) Yanagi & Midoria kawaii pic of midori and his master/friend Yanagi x3
i didnt put his markings in this pic cuz his face has a lil bit of blush and i didnt want to get rid of it cuz it looks cute. lol. his ears are proportional for once XD
but yea i really lyk how this came out even tho i know i messed up on yangis outfit but yea this is half of midoris outfit x3
anyways i still think its cute x3 and this pic really mad eme think of them cuz he looks a lil annoyed lyk he doesnt want to be ther but happy at teh same time XD