fullmoon_01.jpg 1024x768(241KB) Full Moon Wo Sagashite wallpaperArtist: liltokyo
13.jpg 289x382(38KB) Mitsuki1I think this is Mitsuki ^^...i love this charakter^^...it's so cuuuuute!!
014.jpg 293x307(23KB) Mitsuki2Mitsuki with flowers :)!! she's so sweet, isn't she?
016.jpg 224x223(28KB) Mitsuki3Ai ai captain *smile* this is also Mitsuki ^^
020.jpg 232x458(81KB) Mitsuki ~ redMitsuki in red *g*
021.jpg 222x444(76KB) Mitsuki ~ yellowMitsuki in yellow ;D i love this pictures, they are so beautiful!
022.jpg 217x443(72KB) Mistuki ~ violettMitsuki also in violett! ^^ in this picture Mitsuki look very sweet, i think^^
023.jpg 223x448(77KB) Mitsuki ~ blueAnnnnd... Mitsuki in blue!! I think in this pic Mitsuki looks a bit angry or sad?!!
ace.jpg 160x200(14KB) Mitsuki & appleMitsuki with an apple :) i became hungry :D :D :D
browns.jpg 684x666(89KB) Fullmoon?I think it's Fullmoon...or so^^ i don't really know^^ and she haves wings....beautiful^^ an annnngeeeeeeeeeeeel^^
ddd.JPG 337x429(37KB) Mitsuki as an angelMitsuki as an angel...an very beautiful angel :) but she looks sad!
bw.jpg 1024x768(594KB) Mitsuki-angel-walliIt's a walli, i love it :)
fbjet.jpg 1024x768(848KB) Mitsuki-walliAn another walli of Mitsuki^^
fm2087.jpg 950x712(826KB) Mitsuki&Guy-walliMitsuki with a nameless guy xD
Takuto and Mitsuzi.jpg 900x665(129KB) Takuto and MitsuziA cute couple. I think it is sad Eichi died, but that means Takuto has no rivals.
texttop.JPG 470x414(55KB) TakutoGreen pic of Takuto from Full moon wo sagashite \o\
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