kiba.jpg 150x225(12KB) Kiba from wolfs rainHe's pretty hot as well. I really like his dark sexy hair. Heheheh.
Wolf%20Leader.jpg 500x598(51KB) this is for u dog_girl_arfthis is one of a series of pics for my freinds on chat. i dont know what series these pics are from but they look cool. dog_girl_arf this is how i imagine u on chat most of the time. cool huh.
2573.jpg 332x400(26KB) wolf form on chat.on chat this is somthing like my wolf form. the only deference is that i have a long strip of red, spikey fur going down my back and on my paws. cool huh. who ever did this pic gets a 3 out of 5.
Wallpaper.JPG 809x680(61KB) Wolfs RainThis is one i made a long time ago along with clash of the titans
mad nara.JPG 715x418(44KB) nara getting angry at narutoin this picture nara is on a mission with lee kiki kiba kinatara and naruto and naruto insults nara and ala (her wolf) and then her eyes get red and well u know the rest
awwwwwww.PNG 218x421(118KB) Neladai promissed ann i'd make this picture for her and it was fun =^-^=
furballs gravity.jpg 398x676(97KB) Furballs - Gravitywell, i call this furballs....i culdnt think of anythin else lol
~~!Lithium and Kiba2.jpg 512x384(38KB) Lithium and KIbaLithium: kiba....what was mom like?
Kiba: well she was i guess you can't really put words to what she was like.
Lithium: oh *frowns*
Kiba: glances at her* but she was very pretty like you and had eyes like yours
LIithium: really she had eyes like mine *thinking* you think i'm pretty kiba *blushes*
TillyandLithiumfight!.jpg 493x370(57KB) Tilly LIthium fight!no no no no no bad puupies!! *pulls out water filled spray bottle* be nice!!
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