13_800.jpg 800x600(126KB) Rikku's theif dressphereThief dressphere
Itachi_02.jpg 1024x768(140KB) Itachi_02.jpgI love this picture, even though I don't really like Itachi.
5317624.jpg 640x480(104KB) Amazing,huh?Here is the most beautiful picture I've ever seen!Hope you like it,please comment and rate!^^
Ben Barnes.jpg 284x400(34KB) Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian)The amazingly gorgeous, smokin' Ben Barnes (move over, Orlando Bloom!!!!!!)
Ben Barnes 2.jpg 269x400(22KB) Another hotter Prince CaspianOkay, it is official.........he is WAY hotter than Orlando Bloom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ben Barnes 3.jpg 150x225(6KB) Ben Barnes (the sexiest thing ever!)god, he is so freakin' sexy!!!!!!!!!!
Ben Barnes 3~0.jpg 150x225(6KB) Ben Barnes (the sexiest thing ever!)god, he is so freakin' sexy!!!!!!!!!!
psycho.PNG 714x734(889KB) Drugs.Drugs are bad, little girl.
She's obviously stoned.
Just look at all the colors.
freaky.PNG 600x800(645KB) Scary demon chick.Some demonic chick I found surfing the intarwebz.
But it's a good quality, non-crappy picture, so I'll use it.
bird.PNG 428x661(629KB) Her and that birdShe's in love with that bird.
That bird's name is Ted.
Ted lives in a shed.
The shed is full of...
The red is from the bed.
Where Ted raped Ned.
Poor Ned.
...Holy frick, that was creepy.
dots.PNG 518x648(550KB) Dots.Colorful dots and pretty colors.
Image7.png 655x480(161KB) Arikara's demonArikara's demon
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image8.png 655x480(190KB) Arikara shockedArikara's demon
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image7~0.png 655x480(159KB) Arikara fightingArikara fighting (maybe Gaara?)
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image2.png 655x480(240KB) Arikara vs GaaraArikara's demon
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image4.png 655x480(174KB) Arikara injuredArikara's wounded
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image4~0.png 655x480(213KB) Arikara's full demon (?)Arikara's full demon
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
(This is so cool!)
Image4~1.png 655x480(300KB) Arikara y YukihanaArikara and another team member: Yukihana
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image4~2.png 655x480(297KB) Arikara and the boyArikara and the other team member
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
Image4~3.png 655x480(247KB) Arikara and Yukihana funnyArikara and Yukihana eating it's funny
(C) dragonspirt / Devonna G
Rest in peace ♥
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