ban3.jpg 800x600(84KB) cloveras far as i know Clover
anime-native american.jpg 800x600(276KB) Anime girl in watershe looked like a native american to me. i really like this pic since i am native american!
Ear.jpg 320x240(58KB) Lickhahaha this was funny. i looked up yuri and found this.
sleep.png 403x302(131KB) SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!she ish sleeping.....
me: Toushiro >_> go away let her sleep!
Toushiro: we were supose to spar off today she need to wake up
Me: no fighting she's sleeping!
Toushiro: *rolls his eyes and shaked her*
Me: *hits him over teh head with a news paper* I said no small fry!
Toushiro: *growls and tackles me we ish now fighting ont he floor*
Parada: *wakes up* O_O what are oyu two doing?
Me: you woke her up! *hits him over the head agian
yuyuhakushicouple%1.png 236x350(102KB) MetsukiXHieimetsuki is an cryokinetic (can control cold or ice) hawk demon being a bird deon that gives her some control of wind. she is a hothead and is kinda sassy.
[email protected] 377x495(17KB) Base 5woot orig link here i just traced http://
props and cred goes to orig artist
!!!!Nin_SMonthlyCatalogSweethartoutfit~0.png 386x528(51KB) MelinaMeet Melina! One of Nin'S Monthly Models she's great in battle but not so good on the cat walk even so that cute little face of her's got her into modeling.
if you want you rpc to model for the mag let me know you gots to edit them tho in the new styles that coem out because i don't want to take that away from you.
1_base.png 329x402(35KB) Base 6i got the orig pic on her under anime girls in sreach
creepy face.jpg 308x394(48KB) creepy faceme making a creepy face at quatz because he still think Izumi forest drives people crazy XD
Quartz: it's not funny!
Me: yea it is *makes another crazzy face*
Quartz: st-stop it!
OMG.jpg 480x360(49KB) OMGhanage had WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much sake O_O why is gods name are oyu posed like that
Quartz: >_> i told you this guy was STRANGE!!!
Me: no kidding
~~AW!.jpg 204x198(13KB) DevonDevon is Devonte's son the vampire hunter didn't want him after she gave brith because she was only using Devonte in the first place. poor kid thinks its his fault his mom left alf the time he looks to Iris as his mother some times and devonte loves to see the two getting along devonte himself likes Iris more than just a friend but knows how she feels about tavon so he just leaves it alone