anko_1.jpeg 278x400(20KB) anko_1A pic of Anko-san, she looks great ^^
N_Book.jpg 300x261(20KB) "Paradise" Is StolenKakashi's book is "borrowed" by the other Jounin...the results are hilarious.
nekozawa.JPG 640x480(97KB) NekozawaThis is the wannabe goth Nekozawa. He always dresses in a black robe and wears a black wig because he is so sensitive to sunlight therefore giving people the impression he's evil and creepy!
Together.jpg 320x469(38KB) Ooh, I love this one! All the girls together. Except I don`t really like Hinata... Eep, I think Kurenai is drinking! (You guys know about her drinking preferences, right?)
b5de.jpg 480x460(51KB) thats my kidhinata:oh what a nice school
naruto:you said it
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