heavenly_eyes.jpg 800x600(121KB) AssassinThis is a pic I'm gonna use for Mya's assassin costume.(She's a character in my RP)
Sais.jpg 442x316(25KB) SaisFavorite weapon ever are the sais.
assassi1.png 255x351(59KB) assassin 1a beautiful girl licking blood off a sword...
assassin2.jpg 242x333(17KB) assassin3this was colored with the computer like my other assassin pics
sword_girl.jpg 600x449(50KB) An AssassinA Beautifull Girl... But... I think... She loves the Blood and the sword..
Princess_Isis_on_Ninja_Costume_by_pimohdaimaoh.jpg 576x792(118KB) Assassin Goddess of life & Death & in FertilityThe opposition goddess of Crussandra Valkyrie Princess Isis is a goddess who leads the life & death of any living chosen by Zeus (Pimoh) as she accidentaly reincarnated by pimoh daimaoh & as her Deepest love & Sexually victim resultng of ultimately jealous to crussandra
b.jpg 720x1520(156KB) My avatarMy gaia avatar :3
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