kyleandchasidy copy.jpg 586x654(116KB) Under the MoonlightThis is Kyle and Chasidy Dancing, goes with the other piccy... I'd talk more about it but I'm sooo darn lazy and I can't even take the time to go over to Deviant Art and copy and paste from there ;_;
jammylostthebet.jpg 384x560(103KB) Jammy Lost the Bet RevisedSo I was going with it and then I got told "The skin looks inhuman" I didn't believe them I got to work and looked at it on my crappier monitor and realized it really did. Got home today and toned down the "Brightness" on my good monitor.
So yea, now we have a more Chocolate colored Jamil. Apologies. There are still white lines though. Funny how at 100% when all my coloring looks chunky there are no white lines but when I size it down... there are. BAH I hate technology!
Anyway, here we are, better