Fabi y Yo - Mi lindo chanchito.jpg 757x427(90KB) Two piggies in luuuuvaaaaMy chanchito... hehehe my bf has been on university-work-trips for almost 3 weeks... poor, he is sooo tired...
Weee looooove pigs, they are so smart, cute and also funny to draw.... so, hehehe since he calls me "chanchita" and i call him "chanchito" i draw both of us wearing pig-shapped helmets... ^-^ My cuuuute ni�o... I loooove you! and i miss youuu!!!
pd: vegetarians... ^-^ hehehe (in case you say, omg, you love them but you eat them.... eemm... we don't eat them!!)
13~0.JPG 640x480(33KB) Alaina YorokiAlaina receiving a new ribbon to put in her hair from Sasuke. This is when he's asking her out, so she was kinda surprised. I would be too.
me anime!!.jpg 640x480(27KB) me as an anime dudettewell this is me if i were an anime dudette!!!i hope u like it
!!this is pretty much 4 xXMikotaXx , and Shizue's_best_friend to let them know wat i look like!!more for xXMikotaXx!!^^
cuddle X3.png 640x480(551KB) cuddley ^.^this is them all cuddley ^.^ cute X3
this is wen they're bf-gf but their parent dont kno XP
kumori-brother-inlaw.PNG 489x400(351KB) kumori and his sisters boyfriend in the hot springsthis is kumori with his sister bf in the hot springs his sis's bf is talking to kumori about girls and it got on the subject of ren wen he asked kumori who he lyked(btw yes thats saki in the cup X3)
Kenji:so this girl treats u lyk every other guy??? well ive seen her she aint nothing specail and shes a rotten princess at that..
kumori:*gets face lyk in pic*how can u... say that lyk she doesnt exist...
kenji:*was about to take sip wen kumori said that-stops* uh ....well .....