gn12.jpg 650x932(130KB) Itachi and Kisame in The Boat
Beach Girl.jpg 400x300(20KB) Beach Girl . . . . blue (well what am I supposed to say I: )
Battleship.jpg 450x338(26KB) You Sank My Battle Ship!No Really You Did!XD
its sad that her ship broke.
but its a kawaii pic!
33.jpg 500x375(25KB) Naruto - Sakura CryingAnother Nakushita Kotoba screencap... poor Sakura... T_T
nakushita_kotoba.jpg 640x480(22KB) Naruto - Nakushita KotobaA Screencap from the 9th Naruto ending Nakushita Kotoba by No Regret Life. And, it may not seem like it, but to me it's a NaruSaku. (if you think otherwise, then KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!)
1196936724352.jpg 1280x1024(92KB) Gateway to HellEnma Ai standing in the realm of hell, by the gateway through which she ferries the souls of the damned.