frghfdhgcopy3jk.jpg 800x985(626KB) Demonic GirlA demon girl with a sythe! I have so many pictures with sythes >< her boobs are big ><
Demented.jpg 720x932(137KB) Demented DemonDemented demon girl. red eyes of DOOM!
DeimosMakicolor.jpg 839x1183(277KB) VrykolakasVrykolakas is the word for Greek Vampires. Here we have Deimos, uncle of Maki and a Vrykolakas (I didn't see a description so I him look like what I thought.) When Maki was younger she loved her uncle but watched her uncles demise at the hands of her father once he found out that Deimos was a Vrykolakas. Since these vampires attack members of their own family Deimos came back and killed Maki's mother and father before taking off with her. However a group of vampire hunters stoped Deimos before he killed her
Anime - Demon Girl.jpg 360x400(33KB) Demonic Girljust a random picture i'm experimenting with to make a guild emblem for my guild on nlRO
freaky.PNG 600x800(645KB) Scary demon chick.Some demonic chick I found surfing the intarwebz.
But it's a good quality, non-crappy picture, so I'll use it.