roy.jpg 297x289(21KB) RoyOh I just LOVE the fire emblem series! This is a pic of Roy. I have no idea where I got it from...
I forget. Sorry!
Soren.jpg 900x1200(464KB) SorenSoren from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
mia.jpg 937x1326(110KB) MiaMia From fire Emblem
soren.jpg 760x1053(250KB) SorenSoren pwns all mages!! XDD
fiora.jpg 387x1378(89KB) Fiora the pegasus knight from Fire Emblem 7.
priscilla.jpg 745x1201(217KB) Priscilla the trobadour from Fire Emblem 7. She is actually a princess, which isn't too well known amoung the others, and is the sister of Raven.
fewall.jpg 1024x768(135KB) Here's one for your desktop. It's a group shot of Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector from Fire Emblem 7.
tailto.jpg 735x1033(231KB) Tailto the thunder mage from Fire Emblem 4.
tailto2.jpg 734x1029(223KB) This is the same person, except she looks more agressive in this one.
fewall6.jpg 1024x768(348KB) Here's another one to use for your desktop. This one stars Marth and the pegasus knight that's got a crush on him, Sheeda. They are from Fire Emblem 1, and also the third one.
rinda.jpg 380x550(98KB) Rinda the mage. She starred in Fire Emblem 1 and 3.
rinda2.jpg 393x550(65KB) It's Rinda again. This one is set in the day and she seems more focused.
rinda3.jpg 360x550(73KB) Another pic of Rinda. It's set in the night. It would seem as if getting on her bad side is not a very good idea.
rinda4.jpg 360x550(76KB) Here's another one of Rinda. It's set in a forest, and unlike the others, she looks calmer and more at ease.
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