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Search results - "forever"

Inuyasha Forever Brothers Wallpaper 1024 by 768.jpg

Inuyasha Forever Brothers Wallpaper 1024 by 768.jpg
Inuyasha Forever Brothers Wallpaper
Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji & Kaoru My Heart Remains Forever Yours.jpg

Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji & Kaoru My Heart Remains Forever Yours.jpg
Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji & Kaoru My Heart Remains Forever Yours

Ino and SakuraFriends forever

"Together Forever"Amaryil wasn't always as ruthless as he is today. His world did a whole 180 when his love Kathryn was taken from him by Kiro. Trying again and again to reclaim her soul but his attempts always being twarted by Kiro Night. When he created Fihero and the others he made Loki after Kathryn, his purpose was to be the shell to house her soul. However Loki wasn't about to come in second and ultimately wounded Amaryil, he hasn't been seen since...atleast not yet...

Kuroi Kage's FireEvil Itachi with his dragon, Kuroi Kage, is behind him. Kuroi is a very scary dragon when she's mad. Yes Kuroi is a girl. She's also very dangerous. Don't mess with this guy. Itachi is on evil Hateshi's team.

This took me FOREVER so don't say anything bad about it. Don't like it then don't comment. It's simple.

Pain in The Rear XPThis was absolutly a pain in the rear to do. It took me longer than the Itachi edit did. Meaning it took longer than FOREVER. Be nice about it. The characters names are on them. These are my rp characters at NinjapouncexXx's rp site. That's all I have to say.
soul taker 2.jpg

soul taker 2.jpg
*the one that rases the blade and walks willengly to battle you wear your armor your so small but you chould care less as you fight an endles battle an endles battle on the rode to manhud you do not know were this will take you you do not know how you will get there undo undo undo the pain of heart brake undo undo undo the torcther of outher children undo undo undo the felling of lost love ones and undo undo the pain of over comeing yourself let it go let it go let go of the pain of years
Kira and Sayori_Friends forever.JPG

Kira and Sayori_Friends forever.JPG
Kira and Sayori_Friends ForeverSayori said she was tired but didnt feel safe. Kira said she would be there. Now Kira is watching Sayori sleep
whit wings of boyo.jpg

whit wings of boyo.jpg
two days, two years, two months, and two life i stand here waiting for her, i here nothing but the sound of the wind and the sea brushing agints my feat..and as i here her voice calling from the sky tears run down my eyes...because i love you..bmy wings they do not glow bright gold, but while i stand there i hear you, so i go to you..i spread my wings, but what i saw will forever be in my mind as the day i fell in love, true love and as i speak to you in words of joy, i say to you..i love you..and i will allways love you, come to me, hug me, call me your own, never let anyone else take me away and i will never let anyone take you away...and as we both get ready to fly my wings become the color whit and your wings become my

travon boy of 1992.jpg

travon boy of 1992.jpg
as i stud there atop of the land of heaven i saw as the clock struck 12 to midnight, and through my eyes i see 40 million crows flying over the place of avon park and as i looked to the stars they shined as bright as the city lights and my hands started to shiver, and i saw her, my mother as i turned to her she sed to me boy of god chiled of earth, my wings they shine for you my voice it sings for you, i love you my child, and i had realised the light from my mothers heart had been givin to me, and she sed to me,you are going back for a reson, do not be afraid do not cry,cus the stars that ones sarounded you will be there, then the crows singed,and i hurd the voice a crying voice that yelled trayvon and as i open my eyes i am in the arms of my mother .1992
sleeping in the wings of boyo.jpg

sleeping in the wings of boyo.jpg
can hearing the sound of my blessid bells change you forever, can my eyes in wich they are presentid cause you to lose your self and all of the noction of which you are your self, can the silent bells ever ring again, in my castle there is love, in my castl there is my wings, in here i can only find you, and in this place which is so heavy with the smell of burnt wings seem to be unforgoten, life is it to be after birth or before, such a question need not be asked, for it is the simple question of life birth and wings which come forth from my back that which is god is simply just that the lord him self, and in this world i find love, in this world i see you, and in this place i see god, love is forever to last, and i am to last,..boyo of 1992..ahmen
kiba kagome.PNG

kiba kagome.PNG
Kiba and Kagome Forever and For Eternity
kiba kagome~0.PNG

kiba kagome~0.PNG
Kiba and Kagome kiss
kiba kagome 2.png

kiba kagome 2.png
KibaKagoi was messin around wit it.....

Kiba and Kagome FOREVER!!!!


conan-kunCount Down To Heaven


I got a new program for my Computer and decited to try it out dosent it look great?

Well Be Together Forever,
No Matter,
What Happens To Us

Get Off!!!!!!!yea just a funny pic

mustang making fun of her (i fergot to mention shes shorter than ed XD)

an all Glomkping XD

30 pictures on 2 page(s) 1

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