masahiko.PNG 983x534(375KB) Masahikothis is masahiko if it wasnt obvious*points to his naem written several times* btu yea X3 hw used to be best friend with Taji and he is the only son of somebody >.> <.< he doesnt tell anyone his name when hes in his hoodie if he with his parents only then does he tell his full anme which u'll have to guess at XD he looks lyk his dad sand that should help and to those of u who know who his oarent are keep ur mouth shut but if i havent told u feel free to guess
p.s. hes only 14 ^.^
Kitty_Hoodies_Base_by_yaoiF_ckinRules.png 419x459(21KB) Sana and Raine - Kitty SuitsSana- Age: 15; Race: Human; Hair Color: Natural- Blonde Dyed- Trio-colored; Eye color: Blue; Gender: Female; Creator: Danielle-Onee-Sama- If you want to use her as a character, please ASK ME FIRST
Raine- Age: 16; Race: Kitsune/Neko [In this picture: Human]; Hair Color: Black; Eye color: One Blue, one green; Gender: Female; Creator: Danielle-Onee-Sama- If you want to use her as a character, please ASK ME FIRST