Princess_Isis_on_Ninja_Costume_by_pimohdaimaoh.jpg 576x792(118KB) Assassin Goddess of life & Death & in FertilityThe opposition goddess of Crussandra Valkyrie Princess Isis is a goddess who leads the life & death of any living chosen by Zeus (Pimoh) as she accidentaly reincarnated by pimoh daimaoh & as her Deepest love & Sexually victim resultng of ultimately jealous to crussandra
16.jpg 450x450(39KB) Back away from Isis!Malik's giving Namu/Marik a cold look because he's awfully close to his sister. Not to mention that these two boys simply can't seem to get along. How hard can it be, fellows?
22.jpg 600x465(74KB) Isis & Shadi get stoned.Oh dear, and I don't mean as in what they did to Jesus. Who would have ever seen this one coming? And, she's supposed to be so strict..
34.jpg 450x450(41KB) Malik & Isis all fancied up.Where are these two off to? Site-seeing in an upperclass area in Japan perhaps? Wherever they are headed, Malik seems to want to know what he's doing there in those clothes.
150239.jpg 591x379(71KB) Isis.. in a pond?What is she doing? Has she completely lost her mind? ..Maybe she's not such a tight-ass afterall... ;/
MyFamily.JPG 847x1175(174KB) My FamilyA cute picture of Luna before she turned all masculine. When Luna was little she was a happy little girly girl. However everything she tried (Piano, ballet, acting, ect.) she was unable to get the attention of her father. At the age of seven Luna descided to become the boy her father wanted and told him she wanted to learn how to fight. By trading her femeninity for masculinity she was able to get the attention of her father. Something she desperatly wanted, however this had drastic long term effects.
IsisAdrian1.JPG 662x905(121KB) Isis and AdrianA picture I've had in my sketchbook for a while. I finally got his nose and eyes the way I like. Anyway these are Luna's parents, Isis and Adrian. Unfortunatly though the two are married they don't particularly care for one another. Their marriage was arranged and not by the own choice. Afrian's love has always been Caliden's sister Faith whom was killed. Adrian was blamed for her murder.