Pretty-ness.jpg 1290x1825(961KB) MORE of her XDDalright
*runs in circles*
naruto_narutoteam0248.png 860x1300(114KB) kerameet the new kera of the group(kera used to hav rrealy long her then eny girl her hair grows fast thats why she always cared about her looks and her hair mosly and she was afrid to get hurt but alk that changed one day)
naruto_sakura0065.jpg 640x480(37KB) kerathis is when kera cut her hair she was fighting a very strong purson but that didnt stop her but she got realy badly hurt as u can see
J.JPG 142x138(19KB) Jmember of the 6 Electric Brain Warriors / Six Cyber Knights
Known as the "Messenger of the Black Sun"
Lorelei.jpg 217x400(36KB) LoreleiThis is Lorelei from Saber Marionette J. She's the only human female who exists in Terra II.