235581.jpg 75x75(6KB) ash ketchumash ketchum,a kid that who wants be a pokemon master,he likes hes pokemons and mosly pikachu,he siad i will be the pokemon master,so ash walk and find some pokemons.
Sasuke.jpg 75x75(11KB) Ash ketchum AHHHOMG ASH KETCHUM Ash Ketchum: *catches you with pokeball*
me: AHHHHHH *dead*
qpoke1.jpg 613x430(85KB) ash & misty trying to kissisn't it sweet??
qpoke2.jpg 250x250(42KB) ash & mistythey look sooo cute
qpoke3.jpg 450x419(50KB) ash carrying mistyawww... how sweet
qpoke5.jpg 300x402(56KB) ash & misty sleeping under a treeawww...
qpoke7.jpg 515x486(246KB) little ash & little mistythe balloons are cute too