lykewoo.png 478x358(156KB) KioshiPhear my major spmmage D:
eh.png 600x1044(714KB) Another Random EditI have about... 10 or 15 folders full of edits.
BTW, it's really big.
lykeyah.png 750x1310(414KB) Lyke, YahMost of my edits are mostly done when I'm bored. SEE WHAT BOREDOM CAN DO TO YOU?
Rei-Kio.png 346x415(183KB) Kio & ReiOnce again. These two. Shippuden. Woo.
collage.jpg 315x286(17KB) Crystal & KioshiKioshi Is EHr step Brother Shes Stern and hates brakeing rules CRystal Is Care free and loves to dissobay the rules.
Crystal: - poses- Will you smile for one Kioshi!!??
Kioshi: hn, i dont see why i have to be your step brother.
Crystal: easy My mom married your dad!
Kioshi: I know that!
Crystal: Then Why Did you ask!?
Kioshi Inuzuka.jpg 639x475(98KB) Kioshi InuzukaYup, This is Kioshi inuzuka. Kiba's son and Misaki's twin brother. He is very shy and quiet and gets made fun of alot. Kohaku became his first friend because he understood what Kioshi was going through. . He only has one inuzuka mark because his mom Akemi Houtaru wanted him to have the Houtaru clan mark the snow flake on his cheek. Masumi and Maiko seem to have aliking for him but he seems to like Maiko the most.
my character belongs to me
and kiba belongs to mashashi kishimoto
Kioshi and Sayuri.jpg 564x468(100KB) Kioshi Inuzuka and Sayuri HyuugaYup, Kioshi and Sayuri looks like Kioshi looks pretty mad about something. Sayuri looks scared. Maybe Kioshi is getting into a fight with someone. What will Sayuri do?
Sayuri and Kioshi are mine
Kiba and Hinata belong to Mashashi Kishimoto
Kioshi and his dog.jpg 638x480(115KB) Kioshi and his dog TakeoYup its Kioshi Inuzuka and his dog Takeo. Takeo is a dalmantian and Kioshi's best friend and pet. They work well together. And Misaki's dog is a white dog with black spots.
Kioshi and Takeo are mine
Kiba and Akamaru belong to Masashi Kishimoto
Kioshi in his hood.jpg 637x480(64KB) Kioshi with full hood onYup Kioshi with hair covered with his hood. I think the hood turned out alright considering he doesn't have a fur jacket like his dad or sister. So yeah this is him and he looks awesome.
Kioshi Inuzuka belongs to me
Kiba belongs to Masashi kishimoto
Kioshi in his hood~0.jpg 637x480(64KB) Kioshi with full hood onYup Kioshi with hair covered with his hood. I think the hood turned out alright considering he doesn't have a fur jacket like his dad or sister. So yeah this is him and he looks awesome.
Kioshi Inuzuka belongs to me
Kiba belongs to Masashi kishimoto
Kioshi Inuzuka serious.jpg 475x334(75KB) Kioshi looking seriousYup Kioshi Inuzuka with a serious look on his face. He becomes more serious and brave when he's older and stands up for Sayuri and Kohaku when he gets older. He is considered the leader of his team with his dog Takeo as the best tracker.
Kioshi and Takeo belongs to me
Kiba inuzuka and Akamaru belong to Masashi Kishimoto
Injured Kioshi.jpg 638x478(100KB) Injured KioshiIt looks like Kioshi got injured on a mission or after his battle in the chinun exams. So why does he look happy? Could it be that he won or do you think that Maiko came to visit? hmmm curious.
Kioshi belongs to me
Inuzuka Kiba belongs to Masashi kishimoto
Kioshi looking serious.jpg 636x480(92KB) Misaki teases KioshiMisaki: Come on Kioshi! Tell the truth! You like Maiko and you know it!
Kioshi: That's ridiculous! I do not like her!
Misaki: You lair!
Kioshi: I do not like Maiko!
Kioshi and Misaki belong to me
Kiba belongs to Masashi Kishimoto
Kioshi lookings sad.jpg 448x336(81KB) Kioshi looks worriedKioshi inuzuka feels gulity that he couldn't stop Kohaku from fighting in the p. rounds and nearly killing himself but still winning so yeah.
Kioshi: Why? I should have stopped it! Someone should have stopped it! Kohaku, don't die! You're my best friend!
Kioshi is mine
Kiba belongs to masashi kishimoto
Kioshi panting.jpg 639x479(112KB) Kioshi hurtKioshi gets hurt while in training so yeah. Also, S and I are going to start a new account for the next generation characters so it will be called Midnight-Raven so check for that when you get the chance. That folder will be for next generation characters Only so yeah most of the folders that are in this account will be in the account Midnight Raven so yeah.
Kioshi belongs to me
Kiba belongs to masashi kishimoto
Kioshi lookings sad.jpg 448x336(81KB) Kioshi InuzukaThis is Kiba's son. Kioshi, he is very shy and is best friends with Kohaku.
Kioshi belongs to L
Kiba belongs to masashi kishimoto
kioshi.jpg 640x480(74KB) Kioshi Inuzuka for Midnight-RavenHere's the first pic I made. I had made four, but 2 of them didn't came out as I expected, so I'll just uplload 2 of them, if that's ok with you.
I hope you like it! ^-^
kioshi2.jpg 352x240(17KB) Kioshi Inuzuka for Midnight-Raven 2nd picI hope you like it!
(and I seriously hope his hood came out ok) X3
naruto_itachi0029.jpg 640x480(49KB) Sen Kamon KioshiNOT my character, however i did edit it, but he is my characters husband ^-^ now i just have to get him to join this site le'gasp can you believe he has not heard of this place!
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