25.jpg 343x360(31KB) Puppy Love*combined awwww*
098.jpg 640x480(104KB) Kiss by nightIt's a romantic picture.... hmm.. huh it's just one of these love pictures...^^
Couple40.jpg 800x600(74KB) Kiss in the moonlightNice picture.... but what's in the background? where are they??
v040_l.jpg 800x600(80KB) hot kiss.... just another lovepicture..
01_anc.jpg 1024x768(85KB) Real loveI am not able to describe this picture! It's so wonderfull... beauty of love....
kkj_ib3.JPG 200x200(11KB) endless snowkissThis is one of my favourite pictures! It*'s just..... wonderfulll.....
AngelSanct1.jpg 700x560(129KB) Kiss me...from angel sanctuary...idk too much about it...it looks good though
red moon.jpg 349x340(25KB) red moonoh it's just sad.... i like the red moon....
all i want is one kiss.jpg 320x288(16KB) All I want is one Kiss...I love pictures with cherryblossoms....
they make the picture like a dream...
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