lightbulb.jpg 225x1253(213KB) Fullmetal LightbulbOtaku: *Snaps Fingers* Wheee! This is fun! Look at them go!
Pride: I don't recall giving you the authority to do that..
Otaku: And I don't recall giving you any authority to do anything so, meh!
Pride: DO you even have any authority?
Otaku: Wanna see what the end of a new eraser can do to a doodle like you? Go getcher yerself a new patch ya baka..And some candy for me while your out! *Snaps fingers*
Pride: *T.T* Yes ma'am.(Walks off in defeat).
Otaku: Hee...<3 This really is fun! *Snaps fingers again*
_page5.jpg 865x919(403KB) _5Birds and beesPage 5 (last page)
Very cute =]