screens1_b.jpg 800x433(112KB) Screenshot 70Screenshot of Zelos, Raine, Lloyd, Genis, and Colette from the opening movie.
screens6_b.jpg 800x433(112KB) Screenshot 72 - LloydScreenshot of the opening movie.
screens8_b.jpg 800x433(98KB) Screenshot 74Screenshot of Lloyd, Genis, and Colette from the opening movie.
screens9_b.jpg 800x433(124KB) Screenshot 75Screenshot from the opening movie.
tos-screen-anime02.jpg 350x189(19KB) Screenshot 78A screenshot of Lloyd and Colette standing in the snow from the opening movie.
tale1.jpg 231x402(25KB) OA Lloyd IrvingOriginal artwork of Lloyd Irving
anime-004.jpg 544x291(25KB) Screenshot PS2 04Screenshot from the PS2 version of the game.
anime-005.jpg 544x291(22KB) Screenshot PS2 05 - LloydScreenshot from the PS2 version of the game.
anime-006.jpg 544x291(23KB) Screenshot PS2 06Screenshot from the PS2 version of the game.
anime-009.jpg 544x291(13KB) Screenshot PS2 08 - LloydScreenshot from the PS2 version of the game.
art-001.jpg 432x600(70KB) Group OAOriginal artwork of all nine main characters.
kl.jpg 349x266(40KB) Kratos and Lloyd Fanart 04Chibi Kratos and Lloyd fanart.
10.jpg 478x513(67KB) Tales of Symphonia Group FanartFanart of the characters Lloyd, Colette, Genis, Zelos, Kratos, Mithos, Sheena, Presea, Seles, and Martel. They did a really good job on this.
10036997a.jpg 947x689(176KB) TOS FiguresFigures of Colette, Sheena, Corrine, Lloyd, Kratos, Presea, and Genis.
pic04_b.jpg 450x315(54KB) Screenshot 54 GroupGroup pic of Raine, Kratos, Lloyd, Genis, and Colette.
dramacd1.png 351x352(69KB) Drama CD Cover ArtCover art of the TOS Drama CD
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