Kiba.jpg 438x327(40KB) Daisuke and KibaDaisuke is Shizue's parthner from her village (asahi).
Kiba -how u can see- is a bit jealous
team.jpg 467x309(44KB) Shizue and Daizuke Asahifriends 4ever
Emo me.jpg 600x865(84KB) The gave me Hate, Pity, and lovewhy do i go befriend people that will hurt me
that will leave me
make me cry
break me into peices
want to die?
is what they need to ask
and i say yes
cause when they stab my back
thats what i feal
i rathe be alone now thanks to them
i cant trust others anymore
i must done something wrong
for so much hate that i got
but thank you for the few who are kind
i guess some give pity
or i might just be loved
leave the memory alone.png 691x506(29KB) Makoto (younger by 3 yrs)this makoto wen he was 12 he got really mad and upset but held back his tears becuz of some jerks
kids:*glance at makoto then away*
makoto:*looks at then agraly*(sp?)
kid1:*in group*yea did u hear he actually killed himself for that loser
kid2:*in group*yea i heard he wanted to kill himself to get away from him anyways
makoto:*could clearly hear them*ur all wrong!*glares at them*
kid3:oh yea?
kids:*all glaring at him*
continued below
rest in peace my brother.png 1340x745(1490KB) rest my brotherthis is a memory thing Makoto made for his big brother Madoka who died wen makoto was 12
(we'll always be.....brothers.....rest in peace big brother......)
i love the saying on the picture it jsut came to me ^^
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makoto&yukiko.png 827x472(36KB) makoto & yukikothis is a pic of mokoto(age15 in his pajama pants and hoodie) and his follower demon yukiko(over a hundered of years old-she hasnt aged since she was 14-) this was during a thunder and lightning storm
yukiko:*lookng out window at storm from a distance*wow the storm is getting bad
*lightning strikes*
makoto:yea i kno*staring blankly into dark side of room*
*thunder is heard*
yukiko*sits on bed next to makoto*wats with u?
makoto:nothing*looks at her*y?
yukiko:u were staring into space
continued v v v
makoto-dream-amaya-2.jpg 598x600(54KB) makoto dreams of amaya-1this is a dream makoto was having one night it was of (just now introducing)amaya his teammate(wen he was about 13)
he was very confused cuz his dreams only have the glowing green-or-pink aura wen somthing about the ppl is gonna happen and he hardly knos her so it made it more confussing
he woke up that night questioning the dream
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