EaseItInNow.JPG 600x454(43KB) ease It InAres and Isaak are a very cute couple. Though the two care about one another they won't admit it. Ares and Isaak are both much to proud to admit such feelings. They seem to enjoy playing games of cat and mouse but when it comes right down to it they are loyal to one another.
TogetherForevercolor1.jpg 842x1179(344KB) "Together Forever"Amaryil wasn't always as ruthless as he is today. His world did a whole 180 when his love Kathryn was taken from him by Kiro. Trying again and again to reclaim her soul but his attempts always being twarted by Kiro Night. When he created Fihero and the others he made Loki after Kathryn, his purpose was to be the shell to house her soul. However Loki wasn't about to come in second and ultimately wounded Amaryil, he hasn't been seen since...atleast not yet...
Kira X Itachi.jpg 606x570(45KB) Kira X Itachi4 Akatsuki_Kira101!
This is the pic I took of u and Itachi, Kira!! I told ya it waznt bad!!! ^-^
Touka and Momoka.png 1280x960(1922KB) Touka and MomokaThose two are so cute together! And see what I mean about the eating? XD
Lovers.jpg 600x798(23KB) LoversDepicting my ex and I. (This was abviously done when we were still dating)
Paurina_Kiss.jpg 768x416(127KB) ... Paurina and Naruto ...Secret Photography! >w< xD