qpoke1.jpg 613x430(85KB) ash & misty trying to kissisn't it sweet??
qpoke2.jpg 250x250(42KB) ash & mistythey look sooo cute
qpoke3.jpg 450x419(50KB) ash carrying mistyawww... how sweet
qpoke5.jpg 300x402(56KB) ash & misty sleeping under a treeawww...
qpoke7.jpg 515x486(246KB) little ash & little mistythe balloons are cute too
___Ash_and_Misty____by_Mistygemmy.jpg 800x617(138KB) Ash and Misty <3Ash and Misty =]] Yeah, i acutally drew them lol!! I havnt drew them for ages, in the original style- that is =]
Crap colouring, but i feel like i could fall asleep at the desk..so meh, night night....
Please comment and/or fave if you like!!
Aaml for ever!!
Sorry about Pikachu, looks deformed, iknow, soorryy xxx
Enjoy!! I need to do some more Naruto and Pokemon art tommorow =]
KASUMISIG.jpg 500x150(179KB) kaumi sigYessss
did it in the morning at like 3am
darkrai.png 580x270(59KB) DarkraiThis is a pic I did for my best friend Josh from my school, it's his favorite pokemon. =3
swampert.png 580x270(122KB) An okay pic of Swampert (My favorite Pokemon)Just a little somethin I did on Facebook Graffiti
kirbylucario.png 580x270(64KB) Kirby with Lucario HatAnother somethin I did on Facebook graffiti
lucario2.png 580x270(42KB) Fallen LucarioI drew this one a while back, but never got around to posting it. I drew it on Facebook's Graffiti. =3
Dusknoir.png 580x270(51KB) DusknoirI drew this for my friend Adam
gallade.png 580x270(42KB) GalladeI drew this one for my friend Ryan
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