WMLA OVA Test Whatever Text B~0.png 826x372(636KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again...?"This picture contains Momiji from Blue Seed, Princess Serenity from Sailor Moon, and Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. "What's My Line Again...?" is the name of a fan-developed crossover involving the three shows.
WMLAsomethingelseagain.jpg 946x1017(134KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again...?"This picture contains Momiji of Blue Seed, Serena/Usagi of Sailor Moon, and Yusuke Urameshi of Yu Yu Hakusho. It was inspired by a fan-developed crossover called "What's My Line Again...?" that stars those three characters.
NewPoster11edit4.jpg 1032x963(189KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again...?"This picture contains Momiji of Blue Seed and Serena/Usagi of Sailor Moon. It was inspired by a fan-developed crossover called "What's My Line Again...?" that stars those two characters, as well as Yusuke Urameshi of Yu Yu Hakusho.
NewPoster11edit4bw~0.jpg 1032x963(163KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again...?"This picture contains Momiji of Blue Seed and Serena/Usagi of Sailor Moon. It was inspired by a fan-developed crossover called "What's My Line Again...?" that stars those two characters, as well as Yusuke Urameshi of Yu Yu Hakusho. (Black and White version)
wmlafall1.jpg 800x600(154KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again...?"This picture contains Momiji of Blue Seed. Serena/Usagi of Sailor Moon, and Yusuke Urameshi of Yu Yu Hakusho. It was inspired by a fan-developed crossover called "What's My Line Again...?" that stars all three characters.
wmlafall1bw.jpg 800x600(133KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again?"This picture contains Momimi of Blue Seed, Serena/Usagi of Sailor Moon, and Yusuke Urameshi of Yu Yu Hakusho. It was inspired by a fan-developed crossover called "What's My Line Again...?" that stars all three characters. (Black and White Version)
WMLABeach2.jpg 1800x1200(905KB) Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho: "What's My Line Again...?"This picture contains Momiji from Blue Seed, Serena/Usagi from Sailor Moon, and Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. It was inspired by a fan-developed crossover called "What's My LIne Again...?" that stars all three characters.
dance.jpg 700x545(69KB) New Year's DanceThis is obviously copied out of a book.
snow.jpg 600x401(70KB) SnowSomeone made this pic into a playing card. I'd buy those cards anytime.
fffff.JPG 408x298(16KB) Kyo and MomijiThey always are annoying one another...
furuba-animals.jpg 502x750(116KB) Furuba - Fruits Basket - HugFuruba Group! [Not mine] I adore Momiji! He looks like a baby!
WeirdhairC=.PNG 640x480(281KB) Wth is up with Momiji's hair?I messed up on this one...
Used paint.
akihito.jpg 272x204(27KB) Akihito Kizukix3 Me and My Friend Mirandee are Doing a Fan Fic for Fruits Basket. We're Not Sure of What the Story is About Yet. XDD Bah.