loved...and to forever be loved ^o^~0.jpg 402x579(86KB) the little boy..kept crying and of the stars he thought had left with the others had bine standing in front of him..and he sed..why did everyone go away..the star sed to him,no one has gone away little boy..we will always be here withyou..and as the boy lookt up he saw all of his stars were there..and as the he lookt around he saw his castle in the sky was back his black colored wings had returned..and all of the stars igsept the one that was most preshouse to him where there and as they all reacht out he grabed hold of there hands and cryd so much tears,but these where not tears of sadness...they where tears of joy..and the little boy sed as he went up into the light in the sky he sed..yes..i am loved..i..loved...i..loved the true end.