yora.jpg 274x640(23KB) Yora IminachiShe's the main female character of my story. I'm not going to give out many details, but she's on the same team as these three: Yuudai Kuneko, Seth Ammon (I got mad at the person who chose that not for picking a Japanese name) and Sakeira Mazuko. Hope you like it! (It stinks....)
yc.jpg 305x538(26KB) Yuudai & YoraI changed my story around a bunch. Sakeira's not a character anymore, and there's not teams anymore. Anyway, this is the main character, Yuudai Kuneko, and my character, Yora Iminachi. They go out. XD I originally wanted the lyrics to "The One" by Vanessa Carlton in it, but I couldn't fit the lyrics. XD
YuuYora.jpg 969x626(89KB) Yuudai & Yora Heroes & ThievesI found out how to do it. XD Only I'm using the song "Heroes & Thieves" by Vanessa Carlton instead of "The One."
kioto.jpg 640x480(26KB) Kioto ZurukiKioto's one of the people traveling with Yuudai and Yora. See, originally, seven of the best younger students were chosen to go on a special mission; Yuudai Kuneko, Soro Tomorai, Kioto Zuruki, Kentaro Sanoka, Tomiko Nori, Seth Ammon and Rokuro Kunai. Yora came along later, so that made eight. Kioto goes out with Kentaro at the beginning, but secretly likes Soro and goes out with him later.
soro.jpg 640x480(23KB) Soro TomoraiThis picture doesn't describe his personality well, but Soro's generally the energetic and hyperactive one. (A little bit like Naruto himself.) Then again, pretty much 4 out of 5 of the main guys are total idiotic goofballs, so.... (Typical boys. XD No, I'm kidding. Boys are cool. ^_^ Cute sometimes, too. XD) Anyway, (sorry), he doesn't go out with anyone at first, but he secretly likes Kioto. O_O